Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 17 - The National Weather Service

Along Hwy 9 and on Jenkins is the Oklahoma State National Weather Service building. Supposedly the weather here is so hard to predict that this is the premier arena to train meteorologists. At least, that what everyone told me on my mission.


Amberdawn said...

I believe it. Where else can you have an 80 degree day and an ice storm in the same week? It's exciting! We have floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, ice storms, straight line winds, heat waves, snow storms, lots of severe weather. It's a weather persons dream!

Danni Waddell said...

So after I get out of college you're going into Meteorology school. How are we going to afford that? :)

Amberdawn said...

Remember, I'm just going to audit the classes? It will be cheaper and I won't have to do the work, I'll just learn the stuff! :)

Danni Waddell said...
